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Q1: What flight controllers is RadioLink OSD compatible with?

A: RadioLink OSD module is compatible with all flight controllers with Mavlink port such as PIXHAWK, MINIPIX,TURBOPIX,APM.


Q2: What's the operating current and voltage of RadioLink OSD?

A: The input voltage is 4-6V while operating voltage is 5V and the operating current is 60mA@5V.


Q3: The language of OSD parameter setup software has been set as English, but data displayed on FPV are still in error or is still in Chinese, why is that? Though the possibility of character library has been ruled out?

A:  Flash the latest firmware osd.bin via below link  Then reset the language as Chinese then English .


Q4: Why the COM port cannot be identified after the OSD module is connected to the computer to setup parameter?

A: 1) Right click MY COMPUTER- PROPERTY-Device Manager to check what com port it is

2) Open the OSD_Config in the file downloaded from¶meterssetuptools.rar

3)Select the corresponding port at the left bottom of the software as below 

If  the problem remains, please download RadioLink Mission Planner via and the driver will be automatically installed and the COM port can be identified.


Q5: How to output the RSSI value to the OSD module so that it will be displayed?

A: Betaflight/F4

Mission Planner/Mini Pix


Q6: Why is there no telemetry of voltage when OSD connected to PIXHAWK?

A: Check if the function of Battery Monitor  of the flight controller in RadioLink Mission Planner (INITIAL SETUP-Optional Hardware) is activated as the voltage telemetry of OSD is powered by the standard galvanometer of flight controller. When the Battery Monitor function is activated, the telemetry will display only after the voltage calibration is done,following steps in RadioLink Mission Planne. The OSD module doesn't monitor battery itself while the power voltage is output by flight controller.