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Q: What are the compatible receivers to AT10II?

A: The standard packed receiver with AT10II is R12DS, which is a 12-channel receiver that supports SBUS and PWM signals synchronously with 2.4G DSSS&FHSS spread spectrum technology.

Besides R12DS, there are also other receivers with different channel quantities available.

R6DS- 6 channels(PWM signal output); 10 channels (SBUS/PPM signal output)

R9DS- 9 channels(PWM signal output); 10 channels (SBUS signal output) 

Mini receivers: R6DSM- 10 channels (SBUS/PPM signal output)

R12DSM- 12 channels (SBUS/PPM signal output)


The default channel quantity of AT10II is 12 to work with the standard packed receiver R12DS. When working with the non 12-channel  receivers (R6DS,R6DSM,R9DS), the channel quantity of AT10II should be changed as 10.

Long press the Mode key to enter the BASIC MENU -> Rotate the scroll Dial to highlight the SYSTEM option and press Push to   enter  -> Select the CH-SELECT and change the Number as required.

* All RadioLink transmitters are not open sourced and can only bind to receivers developed by RadioLink.


Q: How to check AT10II RSSI value? 

A: Power on the transmitter and receiver with both antenna as parallel and straight and within the distance of 30cm.

Long press the Mode key to enter the BASIC MENU ->  Toggle the CURSOR to highlight the TELEMETRY option and press Push to enter

Then check the RSSI value. Range between 0~-30dBM is normal and if the value gets closer to 0, the signal is stronger. If the value is between -30~-90, signal is not good and the control distance would be limited.