Upgrade firmware and upgrade methods corresponding to different hardware versions of AT9, AT9S, AT9S Pro
Model AT9 AT9S AT9S Pro
V1.0 V2.0 V3.0 V3.1 V3.2
How to check the version of the hardware The hardware version can be viewed on the PCB board at the battery socket of the remote control.
Note: The hardware whose version number is painted with white glue at the power pin is also the latest V3.2.
Communication Technology DSSS DSSS&FHSS
16 channels pseudo-random frequency hopping
Using the proprietary communication technology of RadioLink DSSS and FHSS hybrid spread spectrum, as a foundation, we have added the CRSF* protocol from the TBS. AT9S Pro is compatible with TBS Crossfire and ExpressLRS.
Upgrade Firmware AT9, AT9S, and AT9S Pro, which hardware is V1.0, V2.0, V3.0, and V3.1, are compatible with the same upgrade firmware. The upgrade firmware is in DFU format. The firmware is in MAC format.
How to upgrade firmware AT9, AT9S, and AT9S Pro, which hardware is V1.0, V2.0, V3.0, and V3.1, are upgraded in the same way. And, it needs to be upgraded with a dedicated APP. U disk mode upgrade, the upgrade is simpler
Note1 AT9S and AT9 CANNOT support CRSF protocol by upgrading firmware. If you want to AT9S or AT9 use with the TBS crossfire, only SBUS or PPM signal can be selected. https://youtu.be/9h-B1YfdI50
Note2 AT9S Pro, which hardware is V3.0 or V3.1, is compatible with the same upgrade firmware. But, can not upgrade the firmware which is compatible with the AT9S Pro V3.2.

AT9S Pro Firmware

Firmware(Please upgrade by Windows 7,8,10,11 or XP computer, cannot upgrade by Apple MAC computer)

1. Firmware upgrade for AT9S Pro with V3.2 hardware

(1) Firmware Version: V2.4.5T.mac

(2) Hardware Version: V3.2


① If the AT9S Pro connects TBS crossfire: please select OUT: CRSF1(the baud rate is 115200) or OUT: CRSF4(the baud rate is 416000) in the SYSTEM menu. If the AT9S Pro connects ExpressLRS: please select OUT: ELRS1(the baud rate is 115200) or OUT: ELRS4(the baud rate is 416000) in the SYSTEM menu. ELRS1/ELRS4 only support 50HZ/500HZ now. Please reboot the transmitter after selecting the protocol.

② Factory reset must be set after upgrading the V2.4.5T firmware no matter which model has been selected.

Where is the factory reset setting of AT9S/AT9S Pro: enter BASIC MENU- MODEL TYPE- RESET: Execute. But please note the reset is only for this type. If you want to reset all settings, you need to reset every type.

(3) How to upgrade firmware

① There are two LED on the transmitter: red and green. The green LED will start flashing once AT9S Pro is connected with the computer via a USB cable and powered the transmitter on.

② Format the original firmware, copy and paste the latest firmware and disconnect the USB cable.

Note: Window as below will pop out to notify before format, click confirm to process. The format won't clear datas in your computer but only the firmware in your AT9S Pro, which is the extra disk you connect to your computer.

* The green LED are always on during the copy process. Once the green LED start flashing, the copy is done.

How to Update the Firmware of AT9S Pro with V3.2 Hardware?

2. Firmware upgrade for AT9S Pro/AT9S/AT9 with V1.0/V2.0/V3.0/V3.1 hardware

(1) Firmware Version: V2.4.5a.dfu

(2) Hardware Version: V1.0/V2.0/V3.0/V3.1

(3) About this update:

① AT9S Pro is compatible with ExpressLRS except for TBS crossfire.

② If the AT9S Pro connect TBS crossfire: please select OUT:CRSF1(the baud rate is 115200) or OUT:CRSF4(the baud rate is 416000) in SYSTEM menu. If the AT9S Pro connects ExpressLRS: please select OUT: ELRS1(the baud rate is 115200) or OUT: ELRS4(the baud rate is 416000) in the SYSTEM menu. ELRS1/ELRS4 only support 50HZ/500HZ now. Please reboot the transmitter after selecting the protocol.

③ Add Vertical Mode in the ATTITUDE menu, you can check all the flight modes when using the Byme-A flight controller.

④ The time for LockScreen is changed from 1 second~255 seconds to 20 seconds~250 seconds and channel 3 (throttle channel) is default reverse even resetting the transmitter.


① please check the stick mode in the PARAMETER menu after you have upgraded to the latest firmware.

② this firmware applicable to AT9S Pro, AT9S and AT9. But AT9S and AT9 cannot support CRSF protocol by upgrading firmware. If you want to AT9S or AT9 use with the TBS crossfire, only the PPM signal can be selected.

Firmware for Glider

version: AT9S Pro&AT9S&AT9_firmware for glider_V1_8_2.dfu

Default firmware:

version: AT9SPRO_DefaultFirmware_V2.0.2S.dfu

Latest firmware for Multi-language:

version: AT9S Pro&AT9S&AT9_MultilanguageFirmware_V3.0.0s.dfu

About this firmware:

Your AT9S Pro will with multiple language that inclucing English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Turkish, Russian and Korean

Attention: If you can not download the files when clicked above or zip file below, please click the website below to download the files you need.  


How to upgrade

STEP1.  Download and install the corresponding drivers

(1) Install the driver to upgrade AT9S Pro/AT9S/AT9 firmware first

WinZip(design by 360, free)

If you have not WinZip Tools to decompressing upgrade files, please click to download and install the free WinZip Tool designed by 360.


(⑦-①)upgrade via XP or win7 computer

If your computer is XP or WIN7, a notice of "Installation successful." will pop out of. Click CONFIRM then DONE.

(2) Introduction about the upgrade driver

This driver is designed for AT9S Pro/AT9S/AT9 upgrade via computer with  XP, WIN7, WIN8 or WIN10 OS only.

(3) How to install the drivers

① Connect the computer and the transmitter with an android USB cable, then power the transmitter on. The green and red leds will keep flashing with the LCD screen in black.

② Unzip to open the downloaded file and double click inf-wizard.exe

③ Click NEXT to continue

④ Choose RadioLink AT9, then click NEXT

⑤ Click NEXT

⑥ Click Install Now.. Then select the file where the driver you want to store

(⑦-②)upgrade via win8 or win10 computer

If your computer is WIN8 or WIN7, a notice of "System policy has been modified to reject unsigned drivers" will pop out of. Click CONFIRM(确定) to confirm.

Note If your computer system is WIN8 or WIN10, besides AT9S Pro/AT9S/AT9 upgrade driver mentioned above, another driver specially for WIN8/WIN10 needs to be installed.

steps for win8&win10 OS computer setup

① Click below picture to download

All upgrade drivers just need to install at the first time to upgrade.

STEP2. Download and install the firmware update tool

① Click to download the tool to upgrade the AT9S Pro/AT9S/AT9 firmware.

   If your computer system is XP, choose the UpgradeTools(XPcomputer)_AT9SPro&AT9S&AT9 file.

   If your computer system is win7/win8/win10, choose the UpgradeTools(win7&win8&win10computer)_AT9SPro&AT9S&AT9 file.

② Right click USB-util.exe and run the file as administrator. Device Connected will pop out then click OK to confirm.

③ Click Choose to select the preferred firmware(downloaded above) and click Download. Download OK will pop out once complete. Then disconnect the transmitter from the computer.

④  Download the firmware you need to the computer.

⑤ Click "USB-util(the upgrade tools)", then click "Choose" to choose the firmware, then click "Download", Download OK" will pop out if upgrade success, then unplug the upgrade USB cable. Firmware upgrade has done.

How to upgrade firmware for V1.0/V2.0/V3.0/V3.1 Hardware of AT9S Pro/AT9S/AT9