Q: Can RadioLink transmitter work well with multiple transmitters using at the same time?

A: Yes. The Frequencies Band of RadioLink transmitters are 2.4GHz ISM band, with a bandwidth of 83M. Up to 50 transmitters can be used at the same time.

Q: The menu of T12D/T16D is in Chinese. How can I change the menu language from Chinese to English?

A: Long press Mode button to enter MAIN MENU主菜单, select 遥控器设置--系统设置--语言, and set English. The menu language will be changed into English.

Q: When R16F/R12F is used together with T16F/R12F, only the first 8 channels of the receiver can work well, but the other channels do not work at all. Why?

A: FHSS V1 and FHSS V2 protocols support 8 channels, but FHSS V2.1 protocol supports 16 channels. When using R16F and 12F, if FHSS V1 or FHSS V2 protocol is selected, only 8 channels are available on the receiver. Please enter MAIN MENU--Receiver Settings--RF SETTINGS--PROTOCOL, and select FHSS V2.1 protocol.

For details of channel number , receiver protocol and compatible receivers, please refer to table below:

Q: T16D cannot be bound with receivers such as R7FG and R8EF. Why?

A: If the receiver cannot be bound to the transmitter, please follow the following methods to troubleshoot the problem:

1. Make sure T16D is installed with the latest firmware.

T16D latest firmware download link: https://www.radiolink.com/t16d_firmwares

2. Enter the menu Receiver Settings -- RF SETTING -- MODULE SELECTION. Make sure you have set Internal for MODULE SELECTION, as shown on the right.

3. Enter the menu Receiver Settings -- RF SETTING -- PROTOCOL. Make sure you have selected the correct protocol for your receiver. Receivers such as R7FG and R8EF only support FHSS V1 protocol, as shown on the right. If FHSS V2 or FHSS V2.1 protocol is selected, it cannot be bound to T16D. For details of receiver protocol and compatible receivers, please refer to table below:

Q: T16D is disconnected from the receiver that has been bound to it, and the LED of the receiver flashes. Why?

A: Please check whether the SD card at the bottom of T16D is loose or dropped. Please re-plug the SD card.

Q: Why the signal is lost when the transmitter and A560 are too close?

A: The New A560 RTF version comes with a RadioLink R8XM receiver. There is signal amplification in R8XM, and the telemetry range is the same as the control range of 4000 meters, so it is best to keep the transmitter and R8XM receiver more than 50 centimeters apart when binding. If the transmitter and R8XM receiver are too close, it is easy to cause a signal block, and the binding cannot be successful. After the binding is successful, if the transmitter and R8XM receiver are too close (for example, within 50 centimeters), the signal may be lost. Bring the transmitter and R8XM receiver farther apart, the signal loss will disappear automatically. So please do not keep the R8XM receiver and transmitter too close when binding or operating the model.

Check this tutorial for more details:
