RC6GS V2 Firmware

Please upgrade by Windows 7,8,10,11 or XP computer, cannot upgrade by Apple MAC computer

1.Latest Firmware

Attention: If you can not download the files when clicking the mac file above or below, please click the website below to download the files you need.  


Latest Firmware for RC6GS V3_V6.9.2B.mac

This V6.1.8 firmware is also applicable to the RC6GS 3-position switch version. The upgraded firmware for the RC6GS 2-position switch version can be downloaded from the link below.


Introduction to firmware V6.1.8: Optimizes the Throttle delay function.

2. Firmware for FPV Head Track Function

3. Firmware for Four Wheels Steering

Version of firmware: V_6_1_2S

Date of upgrade: 2020.11.26

Firmware designed for: RC6GS V2 & RC6GS that the mainboard signed V3.0

Upgrade Firmware Introduction:

1. This firmware is designed for the car which need four wheels steering at the same time.

With this firmware, a shortcut key enable switch turn on or turn off the four wheels steering function.

2. This function is only applicable to PMIX01, the Master Channel is default CH1 and the Slaver Channel is CH3.

3. The control switch is default SWA, press it to turn on the mix function, press it again to turn off the mix function.

4. Firmware for making the RC6GS V2 compatible with TBS Crossfire

Version of firmware: V_6.1.6

Date of upgrade: 2022.1.21

Firmware designed for: RC6GS V2 & RC6GS that the mainboard signed V3.0

Upgrade Firmware Introduction:

This firmware is designed for the RC6GS V2 and RC6GS users that want to add the TBS Crossfire

5. Factory Default Firmware

RC6GS V2_defaultfirmwar_V6_1_0.mac

How to upgrade  firmware

1. Identify the suitable firmware
a. .mac
firmware compatible with Windows 7,8,10,11 or XP.
2. Download the corresponding firmware to your model from the below links
3. Connect your radio to the computer with a USB cable and
power the radio on(with a LiPo batery or 6 pieces AA batteries), it will appear as an extra disc on your computer
4. Click YES as the window pops out when connected to
format your radio
5. Once done formatting, your radio should be empty
6. Copy the latest firmware and paste it in your radio
7. Once finish Step 6, disconnect your radio from the computer and repower it on

How to| Upgrade RadioLink RC6GSV2/RC6GS/RC4GS V2/RC4GS Firmware