A560 FAQ
Q: What else need to do after receiving the A560 RTF(with T8FB/T8S)?
A: The A560 RTF has been set with all parameters by factory default. All RC fans need to do is to fix the wing onto the fuselage as they are separated for the shipping reason. Click below link to check the tutorial video
Q: What if only the aircraft A560 is purchased (without T8FB/T8S) to work with AT10II/AT10 or AT9S/AT9?
A: 1) When doing the binding, make sure the channel quantity of receiver. Only the ones with 10 or 12 channels can work with AT10II/AT10/AT9S/AT9. Please remember to change the channel quantity accordingly of your transmitter as below steps
Long press the Mode key to enter the BASIC MENU -> Rotate the scroll Dial to highlight the SYSTEM option and press Push to enter -> Select the CH-SELECT and change the Number as required.
2) If the transmitter is Mode 2, it will automatically change to Mode 1 when the model type ACROBATICS is selected. Thus, remember to keep the transmitter as Mode 2 once the model type is changed.
3) The travel range of AT10/AT10II/AT9/AT9S is different from that of T8FB, which is by default of A560. If pilots want to fly A560 with the other RadioLink transmitter instead of T8FB/T8S, travel range needs to be adjusted first.
Q: When calibrate the flight controller of A560 with success, why some motors rotate once and others don't?
A: It's because the calibration of each ESC by factory default varies and this is normal.
Q: How to calibrate A560?
Flight controller Byme-A needs o calibrate the attitudes/level to ensure the balance status.
It is advised to lift up the model head with a certain angle to ensure the calibration accuracy and it will be recorded by flight controller once the attitude calibration is complete with success.
Pull both joysticks to outside corners as below and hold for more than 3 seconds. The green led on flight controller Byme-A flashes once means the calibration completed.
Q: How to set up the flight mode?
A: There are six flight modes, Vertical Mode (Multicopter), Vertical Mode (Fixed-wing), Stabilize Mode, Acrobat Mode, Gyro Mode, and Manual Mode.
Flight modes are set by CH5(3-way switch SWB) and CH7(2-way switch SWA) as below
The flight mode setup of the other transmitter from RadioLink is the same. Channel 5 and channel 7 are for flight mode setup by default. First, select the model type of fixed wing in the setting menu, then set a three-way switch (Ch5) and a two-way switch (Ch7) in the auxiliary channel menu. Six flight modes can be switched with this combination.
Q: The light of the flight controller is on, and when moving the joystick of channel 1, channel 2 and channel 4, servos work normally. But when pushing the throttle stick, the motor doesn’t respond. Why?
A: Because the battery is dead. The battery supplies power to the ESC, and the ESC supplies power to the motor. The receiver and servos are powered by the regulated 5V output of BEC of ESC. so when the battery voltage is lower than 5V, the servos and receiver work well, but the motor doesn’t.
Q: After A560 is powered on, the LED light of the flight control light is sometimes on and sometimes off. It seems it’s in bad connection, but we it’s in good connection. Why?
A: Because the battery is dead. The problem can be solved by replacing the battery.
Q: When pushing the joystick of aileron, rudder and elevator, there is clicking sound of the corresponding servos. Why?
A: The servos are faulty and needs to be replaced.
Q: When taking off in Vertical mode, the nose of the aircraft will tilt forward. Why?
A: Please re-calibrate the attitude of A560 with the nose-up pitch for an angle of about 20 degrees.
Here below is how to calibrate attitude:
(1) It is advised to place the landing gear of A560 on the standard package, which is equivalent to raising the nose at an angle of about 20 degrees, and then operate the transmitter to calibrate the attitude. Lifting the head with a certain angle is helpful for flight balance.
(2) Push the left stick (left and down) and the right stick (right and down) as below and hold more than 3 seconds. The green LED flashes once mean the calibration completed. It is also normal for the control surface to swing or the motor to rotate once currently.
Q: Why the signal is lost when the transmitter and A560 are too close?
A: The New A560 RTF version comes with a RadioLink R8XM receiver. There is signal amplification in R8XM, and the telemetry range is the same as the control range of 4000 meters, so it is best to keep the transmitter and R8XM receiver more than 50 centimeters apart when binding. If the transmitter and R8XM receiver are too close, it is easy to cause a signal block, and the binding cannot be successful. After the binding is successful, if the transmitter and R8XM receiver are too close (for example, within 50 centimeters), the signal may be lost. Bring the transmitter and R8XM receiver farther apart, the signal loss will disappear automatically. So please do not keep the R8XM receiver and transmitter too close when binding or operating the model.
Check this tutorial for more details: