CrossRace Pro FAQ
Q: Can the customers do the software redevelopment?
A: Cannot.
Q: How to set auto flight by following the waypoints in Mission Planner?
A: The setting steps can follow this manual by click the link below:
Q: How to set parameters if use CrossRace Pro connect to the QuadPlane?
A: The setting steps can follow this manual by click the link below:
Q: Why the FC fails to be armed and keeps alarming?
1) If armed indoors, make sure the flight mode of the transmitter is set as Altitude Mode or Manual Mode. Never set the flight mode as Position Hold Mode or Loiter Mode, which needs GPS to function. If the flight controller is indoors with the Position Hold Mode, please wait for 1 minute until the star's quantity GPS searches reach 12 or more after the aircraft is powered on and the position accuracy will be higher.
2) The geomagnetism may change and result in impossible arming even if the aircraft debugging went well before. The problem can be solved by holding the aircraft and following the steps in RadioLink Mission Planner to do another geomagnetic calibration.
3) When the aircraft is powered on, listen to the music tone when the flight controller is doing a self-check. When the self-check is done with success, press the safety button to arm the aircraft. The arming may fail as well if the safety button is too soon.
If the above three causes have been checked and the FC still can't be armed, please connect it to the RadioLink Mission Planner to check other possibilities or send emails to for tech support.
Q: Why there's no data displays when FC connects to the RadioLink Mission Planner?
A: Connect the RadioLink Mission Planner to flash the latest firmware. If it's notified that the latest firmware is already exist, flash again by changing another model e.g. ACROBATICS. If the problem still cannot be solved, it's probably because the barometer is broken. Please send emails to to further confirm and ask for the accessory purchase.
Q: Why there's Compass Variances notice when connecting FC to RadioLink Mission Planner?
A: It's probably because of large disturbance. Remove all possible disturbances such as metal parts on aircraft frame. compass and GPS signal. If the notice is still there, calibrate the compass and repower it on afterwards.
Q: What should I do when I encounter any of the below three problems?
1) The connection time between FC and RadioLink Mission Planner is long;
2) Neither option of Loading custom firmware or Picking previous firmware is available at the interface of INSTALL FIRMWARE in the INITIAL SETUP sheet;
3) No option of ALL PARAMETER in the CONFIG/TUNING sheet.
A: When any of the above three problems are encountered during the connection to RadioLink Mission Planner and trying to flash the latest firmware, modify LAYOUT from BASIC TO ADVANCED as below shown
Q: How to turn off FC auto checking and arm it directly with transmitter?
A: Set the ARMING_CHECK in Full Parameter List in RadioLink Mission Planner as 0.
Q: Is it OK to keep the direction of arrow on FC different from the aircraft head?
A: Yes. Just remember to change the corresponding direction at AHRS_ORIENTATION 17 in Full Parameter List .
Q: Can I remove the step of arming FC by pressing the safety button as this step has been set as factory default?
A: Yes. Search BRD_SAFETYENABLE at the right column in Full Parameter List interface and set it as 0.
Q: What does COMPASSRARIANCE mean when connecting FC to RadioLink Mission Planner?
A: It means that there's problem about the compass. It can be solved by either calibrating the compass or removing possible disturbance resources to the compass.
Q: Why FC cannot be armed?
A: Firstly check if the throttle phase of the transmitter is reversed. If it's not the problem of the throttle phase, check what notice popping out in the RadioLink Mission Planner. Follow the notice and the problem can be solved accordingly.
Q: The aircraft descend speed is too high with the default value. Can this parameter be modified?
A: Yes. This parameter can be modified at LAND_SPEED with the minimum speed as 30cm/s.
Q: Why the indicator on FC stays red after it's powered on?
A: There are two possible reasons
1) The memory card is not well inserted or doesn't function.
2) The firmwares need to be flashed.
Q: Is CrossRace Pro compatible with the firmware of PIXHWAK4?
A: No, the CrossRace is only compatible with the firmware from Radiolink.
Q: How to know if CrossRace Pro is compatible with my receiver?
A: CrossRaces supports PPM and SBUS signal input. So CrossRace is compatible with receivers that support PPM and SBUS output.
Q: Why did I fail to install the firmware of CrossRace Pro?
A: The CrossRace only can upgrade the firmware from Radiolink, and cannot upgrade the open-source firmware. CrossRace only supports the firmware for Multicopter, and its default has loaded the parameters of the 5-inch drone.
Radiolink Mission Planner can be downloaded here:
Q: The calibration of accelerometer, compass, radio has been finished, but why the plane turned over when it took off?
A: It comes from the wrong direction of the motor or the reversed installation of the propellers. Check the motor and propellers.
Q: Why there is no Fail Safe in Firmware version Airplane_v4.0.5?
A: Firmware version Airplane_v4.0.5 has been upgraded. Set Fail Safe in all parameter list.
Q: Can I use CrossRace Pro with Hexacopter? If yes, how?
A: Yes, CrossRace is compatible with Hexacopter and Octocopter. It max supports 12 channels of ESC output.
Q: How to connect dual GPS to CrossRace Pro?
① Connect the first GPS to the GPS/12C port of CrossRace, and the second GPS to the TELEM1 port.
(If you use GPS with non-GH1.25 terminal blocks, you need to replace the GPS terminal block)
② Enter Software Config -- Full Parameter List, then search for “SERIAL1_PROTOCOL”, and change the value to “5”.
③ Search for “GPS_TYPE2” in Full Parameter List, and change the value to “1”.
④ Search for “GPS_AUTO” in the Full Parameter List, and change the value to “1”.
Q: How much memory is in CrossRace Pro?
A: The basic frequency memory of CrossRace is 240MHz, the RAM of CrossRace is 512K, and the Flash memory is 2MB.
Q: Does CrossRace Pro support direct-drive helicopter?
A: NO, the CrossRace only supports 2-8 Copters.
Q: RadioLink Mission Planner has two compasses shown if FC connected is GPS integrated. How to distinguish which FC compass it is?
A: If the flight controller and the GPS with compass internal connect to the Mission Planner at the same time, Compass #1 indicates the compass of GPS, meanwhile, the "Externally mounted" and the GPS direction select box will pop out on the Mission Planner. Compass #2 indicates the compass of the flight controller internally.
The calibrated interface will be shown in the picture below when used with GPS.
If the GPS is mounted in the same direction as the flight controller, then it does need not to set up the direction of GPS in Mission Planner but if you mounted the GPS in a different direction from CrossRace, you have to set up the right direction in the Mission Planner.
Q: Is CrossRace Pro a Linux board?
A: NO.
Q: Why the altitude displayed in Mission Planner is many times the actual altitude of the flight controller from the ground or desktop?
A: The altitude displayed in Mission Planner includes relative altitude and absolute altitude, depending on the setting options in Mission Planner. Double-click the "Altitude (m)" at the bottom left, and the parameter options will pop up.
1. Alt means relative altitude. If this option is checked, the altitude is the height placed when the flight controller is powered on. For example, if we put the flight controller on the table and power it on, the altitude displayed in Mission Planner is the height from the desktop to the flight controller. If the flight controller is only tens of centimeters away from the table, but it shows 2000 meters in Mission Planner, there is something wrong with the barometer.
2. Altasl means absolute altitude. If this option is checked, the altitude is sea level altitude, which is the altitude above sea level.
The absolute altitude comes from the data obtained by the GPS. Only when the GPS finds the satellite and positioning is normal, the absolute altitude will be displayed correctly. Otherwise, the absolute altitude will be displayed as 0 by default.
Q: What ESC does CrossRace Pro support?
A: CrossRace supports ESC with PWM protocol, DShot, or OneShot Protocol.
Q: How many waypoints can Radiolink CrossRace Pro storage?
A: 2617 waypoints for multicopters.
Q: Does CrossRace Pro support PX4 firmware?
A: NO.
Q: Does CrossRace Pro support mavsdk?
A: NO.
Q: Does CrossRace Pro support displaying flight data on the DJI goggles?
A: Yes. Click the link below to view related tutorials:
Q: Does CrossRace Pro support transmitters with ELRS or CRSF Protocol?
A: Yes.
The setting methods are as follows:
Connect CrossRace/CrossFlight/Mini Pix/PIXHAWK to Mission Planner---CONFI---Full Parameter List---search SERIALX. Change the value of SERIALX_BAUD to 115, and the value of SERIALX_protocool to 23 ---Change the value of RSSI_TYPE to 3 --- RC_options check options: suppress CRSF mode/rate message for ELRS systems (Note: When using an ELRS receiver, you also need to check the option Use 420kbaud for ELRS protocol.) ---Click “Write Params”.
(Note: X represents the telemetry port. If TELEM1 is used, X = 1, then please search SERIAL1 in Full Parameter List)
Q: When CrossRace Pro is used with a Radiomaster transmitter and CRSF receiver, the transmitter cannot be calibrated in Mission Planner. Why?
A: Because the receiver signal is not recognized in Mission Planner. Please connect the CRSF receiver to the data transmission port of the flight controller, and modify the parameters of the data transmission port to 23 in Mission Planner.
Q: Can I use QGroundControl to install the firmware of CrossRace Pro?
A: Yes, but you can only install the firmware by loading custom firmware when using QGroundControl. You cannot directly click on the model to install the firmware for CrossRace, because it is possible to install the PX4 firmware by clicking on the model. RadioLink CrossRace is not compatible with PX4 firmware.
Q: Does Mission Planner support the Apple MAC system? Does QGroundControl support the Apple MAC system?
A: Mission Planner does not support the Apple MAC system, but supports both Windows and Android systems.
QGroundControl Mission Planner supports Windows, Android systems, and the Apple MAC system, but needs to download from its official website.
Q: How to set high level and low levels in CrossRace Pro?
A: The setting methods are as follows:
1. Search SERVOx_FUNCTION in the Full Parameter List, and set data to -1 (x means channel)
2. Search RELAY_PIN and modify it to the value of the corresponding channel (The value corresponding to channel 1 is 50, the value corresponding to channel 2 is 51, and so on)
3. If there are multiple relays, set RELAY_PINx (x represents relay, RELAY_PIN2 represents relay 2, etc.)
4. Set the transmitter channel to control the high level/low level of the relay. Search RCx_OPTION, (RCx means the transmitter channel, RC7 means the 7th channel of the transmitter, etc.), and select Relay On/Off, which means controlling the first relay
5. If there are multiple relays, set multiple channels as above, search RCx_OPTION, and select Relayx On/Off (x means relay, for example: If the 5th channel of the transmitter controls the second relay, select RC5_OPTION as Relay2 On/Off)
6. Restart the flight controller
Q: How can I connect CrossRace Pro to Mission Planner via Bluetooth?
A: You can use a Bluetooth data link to connect the flight controller to the Mission Planner. Below is a detailed guide on how to connect the flight controller to the Mission Planner by using a Bluetooth data link.
Q: How to check the data sent to GPS by Mission Planner?
A: The data sent by the Mission Planner to the GPS cannot be viewed.
Q: When a CRSF protocol receiver is connected to the CrossRace Pro, the CrossRace Pro can detect the signal of the transmitter, but the signal is unstable. Why?
When a CRSF protocol receiver is connected to the CrossRace, the CrossRace can detect the signal of the transmitter, but the signal is unstable. For example, there will be a response delay in the throttle. When witching to SBUS signal, the problem is solved.
A: The problem is caused by the new firmware of the CRSF module. If you are using firmware version 6.19, please install the firmware version 6.17.
Q: How to set ESC Telemetry when using BLHeli 32 ESC?
A: Please refer to the following setting methods:
1. Flight controller.
After the basic configuration of the flight controller is completed, you can perform the following configuration to enable Dshot:
(1) Search SERVO_BLH_AUTO in the Full Parameter List and change the value to 1
(2) Search SERVO_BLH_MASK in Full Parameter List and check the pin channel corresponding to the ESC (if the ESC is plugged into channels 1, 2, 3, 4, check channels 1, 2, 3, 4)
(3) Search SERVO_DSHOT_ESC in the Full Parameter List and change the value to 1
(4) Search MOT_PWM_TYPE in the Full Parameter List and modify the value to the corresponding ESC protocol
(5) Power off and restart the flight controller.
2. ESC
After successfully configuring the flight controller, open BLHeliSuite32.exe.
(1) Select BLHeli32 Bootloader (Betaflight/Cleanflight) in Select BLHeil_32 Interface
(2) Select the corresponding flight controller port and connect
(3) Click Read Setup to read ESC information
(4) Enable Auto Telemetry of each ESC
(5) Power off and restart the flight controller, and connect the flight controller to the Mission Planner. The ESC telemetry information (escx_curr, escx_rpm, escx_temp, escx_volt) can be read in the status bar.