Q: What are the compatible receivers to AT10II?
A: The standard packed receiver with AT10II is R12DS, which is a 12-channel receiver that supports SBUS and PWM signals synchronously with 2.4G DSSS&FHSS spread spectrum technology.
Besides R12DS, there are also other compatible receivers with different channel quantities available.
R6DS- 6 channels(PWM signal output); 10 channels (SBUS/PPM signal output)
R9DS- 9 channels(PWM signal output); 10 channels (SBUS signal output)
Mini receivers: R6DSM- 10 channels (SBUS/PPM signal output)
R12DSM- 12 channels (SBUS/PPM signal output)
The default channel quantity of AT10II is 12 to work with the standard packed receiver R12DS. When working with the non 12-channel receivers (R6DS,R6DSM,R9DS), the channel quantity of AT10II should be changed as 10.
Long press the Mode key to enter the BASIC MENU -> Rotate the scroll Dial to highlight the SYSTEM option and press Push to enter -> Select the CH-SELECT and change the Number as required.
* All RadioLink transmitters are not open sourced and can only bind to receivers developed by RadioLink.
Q: How to check AT10II RSSI value?
A: Power on the transmitter and receiver with both antenna as parallel and straight and within the distance of 30cm.
Long press the Mode key to enter the BASIC MENU -> Toggle the CURSOR to highlight the TELEMETRY option and press Push to enter
Then check the RSSI value. Range between 0~-30dBM is normal when the distance between transmitter and receiver is around 30cm, and if the value gets closer to 0, the signal is stronger. If the value is between -30~-90, signal is not good and the control distance would be limited.
Q: Why can’t bind the AT10II/AT10 with R12DS/R12DSM/R9DS/R6DS/R6DSM?
A: 1) check transmit mode is on or off, if it is off, the green light is off.
2) check whether the receiver is powered on or not and whether the binding procedures are correct.
3) If still can’t bind it after checking the above situation, please kindly return them to the factory for maintenance.
Q:Why the screen gets blank when power on the AT10II/AT10/AT9S/AT9?
1) Check whether the firmware was flashed before its blank screen. If yes, reflash the newest firmware, if it is still blank, please kindly contact our after-sales personnel.
2) Check whether the battery voltage is too low to supply enough power to the transmitter, thus causing a blank screen.
Q: Why the AT10II/AT10/AT9S can’t be turned on normally?
1) Check whether the power supply is normal, whether there is an insufficient power supply, or whether the battery is inserted backward.
2) If it can’t be turned on after flashing the firmware, please follow the correct steps to flash the firmware again
3)If the power supply is normal and firmware hasn’t been flashed, for domestic customers, please return it to the factory for repair; for foreign customers, please check whether there is a power switch problem. Steps as below:
Short-circuit the two pins in the red box (avoid connecting the wire in the yellow box), if the transmitter can be turned on after short-circuiting, it means there is a problem with the power switch, if still can’t turn on, replace the board.
Power switch parameter: Item number SS-22F32
Q: Why the trainer function can be activated when connect two transmitters via stimulator cable?
A: For the trainer function, it needs to connect by a specialized trainer cable, e.g. Radiolink wireless trainer cable.
Q: How to use AT10II?
A: Please click below link to check the tutorial video
Q: How to change AT10II Mode?
A: Please click below link to check the tutorial video
Q: How to adjust the L& H travel of CH5 - CH8 from 75 to 100?
A: When adjusting L or H, need to know which switch control is set for each channel first. For example: if channel 5 is controlled by a VRB switch, it will need to toggle the VRB switch to adjust the value set to the L position.
Q: What information can the PRM-01 of AT10II return?
A: PRM-01 is capable of returning model battery voltage in real-time.
Q: Why the battery display indicates only half of power even if the transmitter is fully charged?
A: The battery display is related to the alarm voltage set by the remote control. The lower the alarm voltage is, the more power can be used and the fuller the battery display is. ( Tips: Please set the low voltage alarm value according to the battery you use. For example, if you are using a 3S battery, the low voltage alarm value should be set to 3.7V * 3 = 11.1V)
Q: How to restore to factory settings?
A: Long press the MODE key to enter the BASIC MENU -> Rotate the scroll Dial to highlight the MODE TYPE option, choose the mode type needs to restore to factory settings, and press Push to enter -> Select RESET: Execute, Press PUSH key again as required, then show out “ Please waiting” and DEE sound. The factory setting is successfully restored after Dee's sound disappears.
Q: Will the parameters of different model types set before be cleared or modified once the firmware is flashed/upgraded?
A: No. The firmware upgrade won't change any personalized parameters already set.
Q: Can one transmitter controls two receivers?
A: Yes, it can control two receivers at the same time, like CH1 to CH2 connect to R12DS, CH5 to CH9 connect to R6DS.
Q: Can SBUS signal be directly connected to the servo to measure signal?
A: No, the SBUS signal can only be tested via oscilloscope or flight controller.
Q: Are all Radiolink receivers compatible with digital servos?
A: Yes, all Radiolink receivers support digital servos and analog servos.
Q: Why there is linkage between CH3 and CH6 of new AT10II?
A: The factory default model of AT10II is the helicopter. CH3 and CH6 are combined in helicopter mode. If the model type is not a helicopter, please kindly check if the mix control is turned on.
Q: Which Channel needs to be selected for AT10II attitude mode while using DJI flight controller?
A: The default attitude mode of AT10II is CH5 for MULTIROTOR. While connecting the DJI flight controller, if the receiver output signal is SBUS, change CH7 for ATTITUDE, if the receiver output is PWM, choose CH5 for ATTITUDE.
Q: Why the servo range of AT10II jitters when connecting DJI A2 and A3 flight controller?
A: The servo range of DJI A2 and A3 is between 0-20000, while that of AT10II is 0-2000, the difference is 10 times. Therefore, it is normal when servo range jitters within a dozen range during setting parameters on DJI flight controllers.
Q: Why DJI flight controller can’t be armed when using Radiolink AT10II?
A: DJI flight controller needs to be calibrated via Mission Planner when changing transmitters of different brands.
Q: I am using AT10II with R12DSM receiver, why can’t I control my plane?
A: Check if the signal output of your receiver is compatible with your flight controller. For example: your flight controller ask for SBUS signal, then please keep your receiver R12DSM keep green LED which output SBUS signal.
Q: How to use boat model on AT9S/AT9S Pro/AT10II?
A: Enter the basic menu- MODEL TYPE- choose boat type. Then go to the basic menu and advanced menu to set up the function you want.
Q: How can the throttle lock be set so that the motor does not start accidentally?
A: Enter the basic menu -- set Throttle Cut.
Q: Why AT10/AT10II assign slots 2 to Elevator in one receiver, and assign slots 3 to Elevator in the other receiver?
A: That's because of the different stick modes. You can change the stick mode and the slots will be changed. Just choose the mode you like. It's in the menu PARAMETER- STK MODE.
Q: What’s the function of the USB port of AT10II? Can it be used on a computer as a simulator as well?
A: The USB port of AT10II/AT10 is for upgrading the firmware. It cannot be used on the computer as a simulator.
Do not use the USB port as a charging port, or it will damage the transmitter.
Q: What to do when the screen is locked as below?
A: The screen is locked because of the LockScreen function.
Long press the PUSH button, and the screen will be unlocked. You can set the time from 1s to 255s. Enter the BASIC menu- PARAMETER- set LockScreen to OFF.
Q: How to set PROG.MIX of AT10II/AT10? For example, I want two channel to move together?
A: Set the two RATE, then the slave channel can move together with the master channel. The positive and negative number of the RATE means the direction of the slave channel. If you want the trim button to be available for the two channels, set TRIM to ON.
Q: Is it necessary to use the same model transmitter as the secondary TX if using the trainer function of AT10/AT10II?
A: The secondary transmitter’s model doesn’t need to be the same as that of the primary transmitter. E.G. AT10II and AT10 are compatible with the trainer function.
Q: Why does the servo range of AT10II/AT10 jitter in different ranges?
Q: Why does the servo range of AT10II/AT10/AT9S/AT9 jitter in different ranges? There is an error between the servo range and the actual operation.
1) Calibrate the joystick and restore the factory settings (please change the model before restoration to prevent the parameters in the original model from being reset)
2) If after centering the joystick, there are still 1, 2, and 3 servo ranges, and the trim and END POINT have not been set, please flash the latest firmware.
3) Check whether has changed the joystick with the new potentiometer, if has changed the joystick without flashing firmware, please flash the latest firmware.
Q: Can AT10II control cars/boats with metal or carbon casing?
A: If the R12DS receiver needs to be installed in a car/boat with a full metal casing, it is recommended to use an IPEX to SAM with a sucker antenna. The antenna needs to be drawn out, because if the receiver antenna is enclosed in a metal shell, the metal material will weaken the signal of the receiver, thereby affecting the control distance.
The antenna connector of the R12DS receiver is IPEX. Make sure the sucker antenna has the IPEX connector. Please refer to the picture below:
Q: Does AT10II support Express LRS module?
A: NO.
Q: Can I set the delta wing mixing function on AT10II?
A: Yes. Set ELEVON in the ADVANCE MENU of AT10II.
Note: Do not set ELEVON when the aircraft is equipped with a flight controller, because the mixing in the transmitter will conflict with the mixing in the flight controller. Please refer to the manual of the to flight controller view the setting method.
Q: Why do users encounter various problems when reading SBUS signals?
1. When the data read by the user differs from the reference data we provide, please check whether the EPA setting of each channel in the transmitter is the same. If the EPA setting for each channel is different, the read signal range will be different.
2. If the SBUS data cannot be read, please check whether the devices used are working properly and whether there is any problem with the connecting cable.
3. Our products support standard SBUS signals compatible with various flight controllers. Please refer to the chart below for detailed information.
Q:Is it possible to copy all models as well as their settings of an AT10II transmitter to another AT10II?
A: No.
Q: R12DS receiver is bound to AT9S Pro/AT10II transmitter successfully. R12DS is connected to RadioLink flight controller correctly. But the transmitter is not recognized in Mission Planner and radio calibration fails. Why?
A: You can troubleshoot by the following methods:
1. Check the LED indicator color of R12DS. Red LED represents PWM signal, while blue/purple LED represents SBUS signal. RadioLink flight controller support SBUS and PPM signal. If the receiver indicator is red, please the binding button twice quickly to change the LED from red to blue/purple, SBUS working mode.
R12DS receiver manual:
2. Enter BASIC MENU--SYSTEM menu. Set CH-SELECT to 12CH.
Q: Can RadioLink transmitter work well with multiple transmitters using at the same time?
A: Yes. The Frequencies Band of RadioLink transmitters are 2.4GHz ISM band, with a bandwidth of 83M. Up to 50 transmitters can be used at the same time.