Q: Why signal(stars) cannot be searched though GPS TS100 has been already connected to flight controller?
A: It's normal to wait longer when the GPS is firstly used. Please be patient and wait a bit. Or pilots can fly the aircraft to the height of more than 10m at Alt-hold Mode then search signals. Then land it when the signal searching is done with success and take off again.
Q: Why is there only one compass displayed in Mission Planner after GPS TS100 is connected with the FC?
A: External compass needs to be ticked in Mission Planner. INITIALSETUP sheet - Mandatory Hardware- COMPASS- Compass #2 (ticked).
Q: Why the aircraft cannot be armed when the GPS TS100 is installed?
A: 1) When the GPS installation is finished, compass calibration needs to be done in the RadioLink Mission Planner.
2) If it's indoor flight, make sure the aircraft is armed at the Alt-Hold Mode or Stabilize Mode. If Pos-Hold Mode or Loiter Mode is selected, GPS signal searching can only be done at spacious outdoor. When the signal searching reaches 12 stars, the aircraft is ready to armed.
Q: Why the aircraft can't be armed after it's crashed and the GPS TS100 is reinstalled?
A: When the aircraft is crashed, the head direction of the flight controller will deviate from that of GPS and the GPS needs to be refixed and recalibrated the compass in the RadioLink Mission Planner.
Q: Why my aircraft still cannot be armed even if the compass calibration is done successfully in the Mission Planner?
A: Connect the flight controller with RadioLink Mission Planner to see if any notices pop out and follow the steps to solve the problem.
Q: Why Mission Planner keeps alarming that there's a big disturbance to the compass and it can't be armed?
A: Try lifting the GPS with a higher holder as there may be metal accessories around and disturbing the GPS function.
Q: Why is the indicator on GPS TS100 off though it used to be on?
A: Remove the cover to check if the connection wire is loose. Pull it out and reconnect it. If it's still off, then it needs to be repaired or replaced.
Q: Why is there notice of COMPASSRARIANCE in Mission Planner when trying to arm the FC?
A: It means the compass doesn't function well. Pilots can either calibrate the compass in RadioLink Mission Planner or remove the possible disturbances to the compass.
Q: Can the installation direction of GPS TS100 be changed?
A: Sure. Connect and enter RadioLink Mission Planner, INITIAL SETUP sheet - COMPASS - Compass#1, and change the direction.
NONE -> Same direction of GPS and flight controller
The number behind YAW/ROLL/PITCH means degree. Pilots can personalize the deviation degree of GPS direction to flight controller direction.
e.g. YAW45 mean GPS should be installed at the position of 45° clockwise to the head direction of the flight controller.
Q: How many volts is the button battery in GPS TS100?
A: 3.3V
Q: Does GPS TS100 support RTK?
A: No. GPS TS100 does not support RTK base stations.
Q: Does GPS TS100 built-in compass? Does the GPS TS100 package with a safety switch and a buzzer?
A: Yes, GPS TS100 has a compass built-in. But, has no safety switch or buzzer packaged with the GPS TS100.
Q: How to check the data sent to GPS by Mission Planner?
A: The data sent by the Mission Planner to the GPS cannot be viewed.
Q: How to check the data sent by GPS to the flight controller?
A: Connect a USB-to-Serial port converter to GPS to read the data sent by the GPS.
Connection method:
The connection of GPS to the flight controller remains the same, and then additionally leads out the TX and RX lines of the GPS to connect the USB-to-Serial port converter to read the data sent by the GPS.
Q: How can GPS output GNGSV message?
A: Please refer to the link: