Q: What is the operating voltage range that R4F supports?

A: The operating voltage range of R4F is from 4.8V to 10V, supporting high voltage servo.

Q: What transmitters are compatible with R4F?

A: R4F is compatible with RadioLink RC6GS V2/RC4GS V2/RC6GS/RC4GS/T8FB/T8S.

Q:How many working modes does R4F have?

A:Only one working mode, outputting PWM signal without gyro function.

Q:How to bind R4F to RadioLink transmitter?


① Put the transmitter and the receiver close to each other (about 50 centimeters) and power both on.
② Switch on the transmitter and the GREEN led on R4F will start flashing slowly.

③ There is a black binding button (ID SET) on the side of receiver. Press the button for more than 1 second and release, the GREEN led will flash quickly, meaning binding process is ongoing.

④ When the GREEN led stops flashing and is always on, binding is complete and there will be a signal tower shown on top of the LCD screen of the transmitter. If not succeed, the green led will keep flashing slowly to notify, repeat the above steps.

Note: If bound to transmitters without screen like T8S or T8FB, the always on LED means binding completed.

Q:Why the LED on R4F keeps flashing slowly?

A: The slow flashing LED means binding doesn’t succeed or the signal gets lost after binding completes.

Q:What’s the control range of R4F?

A:The control range is 400m on the ground. The maximum range tested in unobstructed areas free of interference.