Q: What transmitters are compatible with R12DSM?

A: R12DSM is compatible with RadioLink AT9/AT9S/AT9S Pro/AT10/AT10II.

Q:How to bind R12DSM to transmitter?


1. Put the transmitter and the receiver close to each other (about 50 centimeters) and power both on.

2. Switch on the transmitter and the LED of R12DSM will be on.

3. There is a black binding button (ID SET) on the side of receiver. Press the button for more than 1 second and release, the RED led will flash quickly, meaning binding process is ongoing.

4. When the LED stops flashing and is always on, binding is complete and there will be a signal tower shown on top of the screen of the transmitter.

Q:What signal output does R12DSM support?

A:R12DSM supports SBUS and PPM signals.

Red LED, PPM signal, 12 channels totally.

Blue/purple LED, S-BUS signal, 12 channels totally.

Short press the binding button twice within 1 second to switch the S-BUS signal to PPM signal. When the Red indicator is on, signal output is PPM. When the Blue/purple led is on, signal output is SBUS.

Q:Why the LED indicator of R12DSM is off after it’s powered on?

A:1. Check if the battery is charged.

2. Check if the polarity is correctly connected.

3. Check if connection between the receivers and the power supply is good.

If there’s no problem with the above three points, the receiver may get burnt and needs to be repaired.

Q:Why the vehicle can’t be controlled after the binding between R12DSM and transmitter is done?

A:First, check if the power supply of the receiver and the transmitter is ok.

Then modify the channel quantity of the transmitter (AT9/AT9S/AT10/AT10II) as 12 to work with R12DSM, the 12-channel receiver.

Press Mode button to enter BASIC MENU => Rotate the dial to select SYSTEM and Enter => Set CH-SELECT as 12CH.

Note If there’s no option of 12CH, please flash the latest firmware and try the above steps again.

Q:When R12DSM works with AT9S, why the control range is more limited than 4000m (in air) as advertised?


1. Check if the antennas of transmitter and receiver is damaged or welded joint or if they are installed 90°as below

2. Check if there’s interference resources like electricity substation or high voltage cable or WIFI nearby.

3. Check the RSSI value.

① Power on the transmitter and receiver with both antennas parallel and straight and within the distance of 30cm.

② Then check the RSSI value. Range between 0~-30dBM is normal and if the value gets closer to 0, the signal is stronger.

Q:Why is there no response when pressing the binding button (ID SET) of R12DSM?


If need it urgently, please try short circuit binding by metal. Remove the cover of the receiver and power it on, use a metal accessory to touch the silver pad on both sides of the binding button to do the binding or signal output switch as below picture shows. If there’s still no response, the receiver may get burnt and needs to be repaired.