Q: What flight controllers, transmitters and receivers are compatible with PRM-03?

A: Flight controllers: PIXHAWK/Mini Pix/TURBO PiX/APM

Transmitters:AT10II/AT10/AT9S Pro/AT9S/AT9


Note: Old version AT9 needs to upgrade the firmware to V1.2.6(OSD)or above while AT10II needs to upgrade to V1.0.6(OSD)or above.

Q: How to connect the receiver and flight controller with PRM-03?

A:1. With receiver (R12DS as an example): one end of the 4pin wire is to the pins on the receiver while the other end of the wire is to the balance head of the battery as the below picture shows

2. With the flight controller: one end of the wire to PRM-03 while the other is to the TELEM port on the flight controller

Mini Pix as example                                                                                     TURBO PIX as example


PIXHAWK as an example                                                                                    APM as an example


Q: What telemetry information does PRM-03 have?

A: Capable of telemetry of flight speed, rising speed, throttle, battery voltages, longitude, latitude, GPS, signal, RSSI, flight modes, direction, roll, pitch, and distance.

Q: Why only telemetry of model voltage is sent to the transmitter when PRM-03 is used with the flight controller?

A: Since ardupilot updated the firmware recently, when users use PRM-03 with RadioLink transmitters AT9S Pro, AT9S, AT9, AT10II, AT10, and the ardupilot pixhawk flight controller with the V4.1 or above firmware, only telemetry of model voltage is supported, telemetry of other OSD data is not supported. Please solve the problem by changing the value of SERIAL1-PROTOCOL and SERIAL2-PROTOCOL in Mission Planner.

CONFIG- Full Parameter Tree- search “serial”-Change the value of SERIAL1-PROTOCOL and SERIAL2-PROTOCOL to 1(MAVLink) 
Note: PRM-03 produced before May 31, 2022 can refer to this method to modify the value, and those produced after May 31, 2022 do not need to modify the value.  

Q: Why does the signal tower on the transmitter screen (AT10II/AT10/AT9S Pro/AT9S/AT9) disappear after connecting with PRM-03?

A: It’s probably because the connection to the PRM-03 is not good or the chip doesn’t function and needs to be repaired.

Q: What minimum speed can PRM-03 get from the flight controller?

A: 0.1m/s. That means the minimum speed that can be displayed on the telemetry interface of the transmitter is 0.1m/s.