• Mini Pix Mission Planner and Firmware from RadioLink
  • The source code of RadioLink Mini Pix's firmware can be downloaded by clicking the link below.
  • https://github.com/radiolinkW/ardupilot/tree/MiniPix
  • Moreover, the source code of RadioLink Mini Pix's firmware supports self-modification.

1. Download and install Mission Planner from RadioLink

About Mini Pix Open Source:


Attention: If you can not download the files when clicked above, please click the website below to download the files you need.

Mission Planner: http://www.radiolink.com.cn/firmware/MissionPlanner/


Please use the Mission Planner 1.3.52 to ensure the data of the Mission Planner can be displayed completely when uploading the firmware below, while please use the Mission Planner 1.3.52 to ensure data of the Mission Planner can be displayed completely when uploading the firmware download from the ArduPilot website.

2. The latest firmware from RadioLink(is default with Multicopter Firmware)

(1) for Mini Pix V1.2/V1.0

(2) for Mini Pix V1.1/V1.0II

Attention: If you can not download the files when clicking the px4 files above, please click the website below to download the files you need.

Firmware:  http://www.radiolink.com.cn/firmware/flight_controller/Mini Pix_EN/Radiolink/